Martin Jencius, PhD
Founding Trustee--July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026
Dr. Jencius is Associate Professor of Counseling at Kent State University in Ohio, with over 23 years of experience as a Counselor Educator. He has 16 years’ experience as a Professional Counselor, and is founder and manager of CESNET-L, a professional listserv for counselor educators. He is the co-founding editor of the Journal of Technology in Counseling, and founder/editor of, a podcast series for counselors. He serves on the editorial boards of The International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, and Counselor Education and Supervision Journal. He is co-editor of Elements of Supervision: Teaching, Reflections & Resources. He is the section editor of the Couples Enrichment and Education Section of The Family Journal, and writes a monthly column, The Digital Psyway, in Counseling Today, the monthly publication of the American Counseling Association with over 50,000 members. He has presented nationally and internationally on counselor education, technology in counseling, and counselor supervision. He is Past President of the Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES), and is serving his second three-year term as ACA Governing Council Representative for ACES.